Monday, 20 June 2022

5 Benefits of Self Publishing

5 Benefits of Self Publishing

 5 Benefits of Self Publishing

Gone are the days when the authors used to run behind the publishers for getting their books published, waiting for weeks and months, and getting their manuscripts rejected n number of times. There were so many writers in history who cannot get their numerous books published because of a lack of publishing services. 

Every writer who has written a book deserves to get the book published like a book. It could be a dream to many and who knows we can have the next new bestsellers.

Every writer deserves a chance, an opportunity to get their book published. 

And that's why self-publishing is the way to go these days. 

These are the 5 benefits of self-publishing:- 

1. Quick- Self-publishing takes almost no time. You can start publishing your book straight away on platforms like and get your book live in just  1 day.

2- Total control- You are the one doing everything, and hence the total control over your book lies in your hand. 

3- Costs Reduction- As you're the only one working on your book, you need not pay for the services of other features. 

4. No Rejection- This is the best benefit of self-publishing where your book won't be rejected by the traditional publishers for numerous excuses. You can get your book self-published, any day, any time, on

5. Total transparency- When you're doing all the work yourself, you know what's going on. 

So you can see there are numerous benefits of self-publishing. So get your book self-published today only on


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